18 August 2023

More Resources at Ancestry.com


Ancestry.com is far more than just a site to build a tree, research records, and do a DNA test to find matches. I happened to click on the Ancestry Site Map (scroll to the footer at the bottom of any page on the site) and discovered a wealth of information I had no idea existed. From links to pages on family history resources including the Ancestry Academy™, to all kinds of information about DNA in the AncestryDNA® Learning Hub or AncestryDNA® Traits Learning Hub, and links to social media accounts and other Ancestry.com family owned sites, there's so much information here it's incredible! If you want to expand your genealogy knowledge, this is a fantastic place to start!

Here is a small sampling of the additional resources on the site:
Ancestry Search - Main search page, some records are free, others require subscriptions
Ancestry Card Catalog - Search additional records, including unindexed
Vital Records- Birth, Marriage, Death - Several free record collections, other require subscriptions
Recently Added and Updated Collections on Ancestry - check regularly to stay up to date on record collection changes
Ancestry Wiki - Check out the "Explore the Wiki" links
Ancestry Live Chat  - Results interacting with agents seems to be hit or miss, but if you have a need, feel free to try it
Provide Feedback to Ancestry - Provide your feedback and comments about the site. No responses are provided, but your voice can be heard
Ancestry Site Map - Links to an amazing number of pages on the site you may not know exist (see below)
Ancestry Genealogy Toolkit - Links to Ancestry and other resources

No matter how long you've been researching, there's am amazing wealth of information and resources available to you with both free or paid subscriptions to Ancestry.com. It's important to get well rounded information, and no one site will be a full one stop shop, but the amazing resources on this site further my belief if you could only subscribe to one site, this is the one you want!

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