14 May 2024

30 Free Genealogy Glossaries, Dictionaries and Abbreviation Resources

Genealogist reading a dictionary created using DALL-E
Image created using DALL-E and ChatGPT
If you're just starting your genealogy journey, you'll likely encounter many terms you aren't familiar with. Even those of us who've been researching a decade (or many decades) run into words we aren't familiar with, especially as we move into using genetic genealogy in our research. I run into new terms all the time!

New words can pop up anywhere. It can be basic terms, genetic genealogy terms, abbreviations, occupations, diseases, military ranks, archaic terms....anything really. In order to make sure you're researching accurately, it's important to take a moment to look up new terminology. I'm not saying you have to memorize every single term you come across...it's simply not feasible and you can always look words again...but take a beat to be sure you're interpreting whatever you're working on correctly.

When you encounter these new and unfamiliar genealogical terms, where do you turn? Google is certainly usually my first step...but it doesn't always answer all my questions. In fact, sometimes I have more questions after a Google search than I had before! So for me, it's important to have a handy list of additional resources I can turn to.

Below are some sites where you can find great genealogical dictionaries, glossaries, information on abbreviations and much, much more! I've included Cyndi's List since there are even more references to be found there.

  1. Ancestry's Glossary of DNA Terms
  2. Ancestry’s Glossary of Genealogical Terms
  3. Berks County Genealogical Society - Helpful Tips Genealogy Terms
  4. Cyndi's List Genealogy Dictionaries & Glossaries
  5. Family History Daily 300 Historical Abbreviations Explained
  6. FamilySearch Research Wiki - A Glossary of Genealogical Terms
  7. FamilySearch Research Wiki: Genealogical Terms
  8. FamiyTreeDNA Glossary Terms
  9. Family Tree Magazine Genealogy Terms Glossary
  10. Family Tree Magazine Ultimate List of DNA and Genetic Genealogy Terms (+ Free Download)
  11. Genealogy in Time First Name Abbreviations
  12. Genealogy in Time Genealogy Word Dictionary
  13. Genealogy in Time Latin Dictionary
  14. Genealogy.com Genealogy Glossary
  15. Genealogy Quest Glossary of Terms
  16. Genealogy Trails – Genealogy Terms Encountered While Family Researching
  17. Gramps Project Genealogy Glossary
  18. International Society of Genetic Genealogy Wiki Genetics Glossary
  19. MyHeritage Genealogy Glossary: Common Genealogy Terms Explained
  20. MyHeritage Genealogy Glossary: Common DNA Terms Explained
  21. MyHeritage Guide to abbreviations and key genealogy terms
  22. National Cemetery Administration Headstone and Marker Inscriptions
  23. PBS History Detectives Genealogy Glossary
  24. Root To Branches Genealogy Terms Explained
  25. Roots Dictionary of Genealogy & Archaic Terms
  26. RootsWeb Genealogy Abbreviations
  27. RootsWeb Genealogy Terms
  28. The DNA Geek – A Genetic Genealogy Glossary
  29. Thomber.net Glossary of Old Medical Terms
  30. Treemily Comprehensive Glossary of Genealogical Terms
For convenience, I've included all these links on my Genealogy Toolbox page (and noted my go-to favorites). This is by no means an exhaustive list. These are just the ones I've accumulated in my own research. Doing a Google search on unfamiliar words may lead you to other sites better suited to answer your specific questions. You may find resources in varied and unexpected places! Just like genealogical research, we all think we'll remember where we found a particular detail, hint or website... only to find it eluding us when we later realize we need it. Don't forget to bookmark reference sites you may want to return to in the future.

Do you have favorite sites for terminology? Leave a comment and share them with me!


  1. Great list. I started to bookmark them all, then thought of the easy way: I just bookmarked your post! As for not being required to memorize all the terms we encounter: In the entryway to the Robert Manning Strozier Library at Florida State University is this quotation: "The half of knowledge is to know where to find knowledge." This is attributed to Louise Richardson, Director of Libraries at Florida State College for Women, which became Florida State University.

    1. That's a GREAT quote! (I've never head it before but it's SO true!) Thank you for sharing it. I've also included all the links in this post on my Genealogy Toolbox page. You can access it from the main menu above each post :)


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