04 June 2024

An Exciting Announcement!

Recently, I was selected as President of GeneaBloggers. I'm both humbled and excited for this amazing opportunity! Alongside me are a new team of board members. We're excited to grow and expand the benefits of being a GeneaBlogger. 

GeneaBloggers is a non-profit organization, run by volunteers, supporting online genealogy content creators. We encourage awareness of, and interest in, sharing genealogical content online. It doesn't matter what format genealogy content creators may be using. Bloggers, vloggers, streamers, podcasters, webinar presenters, social media, micro-bloggers, just to name a few, are all welcome to join us! We want you to be a part of our group! Genealogy is one of the top hobbies - readers, viewers, listeners and subscribers are interested in what you have to share!

If you're a genealogy or family history content creator, and not already a Premium Member, please join us at GeneaBloggers.com. Premium Membership is just $20US per year. (You don't have to live in the US to join us! We have members around the globe.) With the support of our Premium Members, we're looking toward expanding our resources for, and interaction with and between, our creators, Our goal is to bring together the vibrant, supportive and diverse community of genealogy content creators and foster a sense of camaraderie within our group. There's always a lot going on behind the scenes. If you're interested in helping us, please contact us and let us know.

If you're a content creator, I really hope you'll consider joining us as a Premium Member. And if you're not a content creator, please support and encourage our members by visiting their sites. The vast majority of creators welcome comments and interaction on their sites and social media. I know I do!

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