11 June 2024

Talk to the Tree?

Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay
I'm sitting here wondering if anyone else ever talks to the people in their tree? Or am I just weird? Not pick up the phone, sending an Ancestry message or writing an email talk...I mean talking to the names on the screen as you work on them.

The other day, I was trying to find the given name of a (presumably) living husband in my tree. I'd added him based on the wife's surname shown in one of her parent's obits. More often than not, people I add this way have hints show up or I can tease out the answer relatively easily. But a few are proving very stubborn and I'm spending quite a lot of time trying to pin them down.

So I was researching...clicking thru various search results...refining my searches and trying again...and again. I looked on FamilyTreeNow.com, hoping he'd show up in family or known associates of the wife or their children. Frustratingly, nothing was working. 

Then, as if by magic (well, actually it was the magic of searching for a specific street address in the keywords search field of public records), I found the record I was searching for! I can show the person lived at the same address as the wife. And I had a given name! 

Without missing a beat, I caught myself whispering under my breath "...there you are...", as if he had simply been hiding just out of view, like a naughty child. Is it just me or do you occasionally talk to the people in your tree? (And just to be clear - no, they don't talk back). 

Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

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