I already know my maternal haplogroup is T2b4 from my 23andMe DNA results. Once I was signed in, I selected "Discover Haplogroup Reports" from my Home page. I selected the drop down for mtDNA and entered T2b4. When I submitted, I got a form asking if I was a FamilyTreeDNA customer or not. At the very bottom of the screen is a link for "Already Registered? Sign In". Clicking to sign in again (slightly annoying since I already signed in to the site) took me to the beta platform page. I had to reselect mtDNA and put my haplogroup in again to fianlly disply the mtDNA Discover page. Given this is beta, it's possible the information displayed may change or some features may become unavailable in the future if you haven't tested at the site. But for now, I was able to view information totally new to me. (Y-DNA is also an option for male testers who may have this data available.)
There's quite a bit of information displayed, but I'm a sucker for "Notable Connections", so I clicked straight away since it was the most interesting to me. While I know from 23andMe I have many historical Viking matches, I was very excited to see I'm related (through a common maternal ancestor) to Virginia Eriksdotter (1559– 1633) a Swedish noble. She was the recognized illegitimate daughter of King Erik XIV of Sweden and his official royal mistress Agda Persdotter. She was born at Kalmar Castle in Sweden. Althought I asked ChatGPT if it was able to find any paintings of Virgnia, it was unable to locate any. But I was able to find the above image of the castle (Image credit: Image By L.G.foto - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link)
I'm not sure how true it is, but this is listed as a "rare connection" at 1 in 146 people. Only 1,841 other FamilyTreeDNA customers are this closely related to her. Given how far back this is, I don't know if I'd call this "closely related", and it's unlikely I'll ever prove the connection on paper, but it's my first known match to anyone remotely royal. I should point out the following notation is given: "Her detailed mitochondrial haplogroup was determined by mtFull Sequence testing of a descendant and reported in the Sweden DNA Project. The lineage is documented at WikiTree. It has not yet been confirmed by a second test result."
As of now, I'm not inclined to take any more DNA tests. While I'm sure there's far more to reveal in my DNA, I've thousands of matches I'll never get through as it is. For now, I'm happy with this new "sort of" royal connection. For more on the new features visit the FamilyTreeDNA Blog.
Image By L.G.foto - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link
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